Systemic discrimination is a form of institutional discrimination that contributes to less favorable outcomes for certain groups within society. It often occurs in the workplace.

What does systemic discrimination mean? 

Systemic discrimination refers to the routines, policies and practices that are part of the culture of an organization. It is sometimes interchangeably described as structural discrimination or institutional discrimination.

As part of the structure of an organization, systemic discrimination is the unintended and unconscious product of policies implemented in areas of hiring, promotion, performance evaluations and elsewhere. 

These often cause barriers that affect certain individuals or groups disproportionately, limiting their opportunities for advancement and perpetuating inequalities within the organization.

Some examples of it in the workplace

Addressing systemic discrimination in the workplace

Addressing systemic discrimination requires a comprehensive approach that tackles its root causes and dismantles its pervasive influence.

Here are some tips for addressing systemic discrimination in the workplace:

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