Cognitive diversity refers to the variety of perspectives, viewpoints and ideas that people bring to the workplace.

What is cognitive diversity?

Cognitive diversity, otherwise known as neurodiversity, describes the variety of ways in which people think. It defines the wide range of unique approaches and perspectives we have about the world and the way we process information. 

Influenced by our experiences, gender and cultural background, cognitive diversity can often lead to powerful innovation and creative problem-solving.  

Why cognitive diversity is important

Cognitive diversity is the inclusion of people with unique perspectives and problem-solving styles into the workplace, generally for the purpose of boosting a company’s overall diversity of thought. 

Some of the major benefits of a cognitively diverse workplace are:

Factors that influence cognitive diversity

There are several factors that play a role in shaping cognitive diversity, including personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, educational backgrounds, and social perspectives:

Ethnicity and Culture

A person’s ethnic and cultural background has a significant influence on their worldview. People from different cultural backgrounds offer a demographic diversity that contributes to a more cognitively diverse workforce. 


A person’s educational background shapes their approach to problem-solving and decision-making. People from varied educational backgrounds can bring their own unique perspectives and techniques for interpreting data and coming up with advanced solutions.


Experience reflects how and where someone has acquired their skills and knowledge base. Team members with diverse job experiences can offer unique perspectives that contribute to a team’s problem-solving strategies. For example, a software developer with experience in start-ups will bring a different approach to problem-solving than someone with a background in a large corporate setting. 

This diversity of experience strengthens the team’s ability to tackle challenges from multiple angles and achieve better results. It also avoids the natural gravitation towards “groupthink” that often prevents individuals with different opinions from sharing their ideas and viewpoints.

How to enhance cognitive diversity in the workplace

Hiring for cognitive diversity enhances employee engagement and makes room for spaces where out-of-the-box ideas can thrive. Another important benefit of cognitive diversity is that it also helps create a more inclusive and collaborative work culture.  


Here are some tips for enhancing cognitive diversity in the workplace:

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