Rethinking Hiring for Culture Fit: Beyond the Bias

Culture fit

In recent years, the concept of “hiring for culture fit” has been a popular recruitment strategy. However, as organizations strive for greater diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), it’s crucial to reconsider this approach.   This article explores the pros and cons of cultural fit hiring and offers alternative strategies for building a diverse and innovative […]

AI Bias in Hiring: 1439 Job Adverts Analyzed [Claude Wins?] 

Using generative AI models like ChatGPT and Gemini in work has become the norm in recent days. And many human resources professionals have reverted to the widely available tools to increase efficiency. Some common use cases of generative AI in recruitment are in job ad creation, CV screening, interview question creation, etc.   However, there’s a […]

Sådan laver du en employer branding-strategi [14 simple trin]

employer branding strategy feature image

I kapløbet om talenter er det ofte svært at tiltrække og fastholde de bedste medarbejdere. At opbygge en solid employer branding-strategi er dit hemmelige våben. Med denne metode kan du konstruere en engagerende fortælling, som afspejler virksomhedens kultur, værdigrundlag og det, der gør jer til en god arbejdsplads. Hvordan opbygger man en employer branding-strategi? Du […]

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