Rethinking Hiring for Culture Fit: Beyond the Bias

Culture fit

In recent years, the concept of “hiring for culture fit” has been a popular recruitment strategy. However, as organizations strive for greater diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), it’s crucial to reconsider this approach.   This article explores the pros and cons of cultural fit hiring and offers alternative strategies for building a diverse and innovative […]

AI Bias in Hiring: 1439 Job Adverts Analyzed [Claude Wins?] 

Using generative AI models like ChatGPT and Gemini in work has become the norm in recent days. And many human resources professionals have reverted to the widely available tools to increase efficiency. Some common use cases of generative AI in recruitment are in job ad creation, CV screening, interview question creation, etc.   However, there’s a […]

How to Measure DEI Success? – 6 Key Metrics

DEI metrics

In modern organisations, data is critical. We use it everywhere from Finance to Compliance, Sales, and Customer Success to make decisions, identify problems, and improve processes. But one place where organisations often trip up on their data is with DEI — because it’s not always as clear-cut as measuring revenue, profits, or customer retention. Without […]

5 strategies to reduce time-to-hire and cost-per-hire in talent acquisition


Hiring is time-consuming — and time is money. According to 2022 data from SHRM, bringing a new employee onboard and bringing them up to speed can cost between three to four times their salary. Meanwhile, a lengthy time-to-hire can add an even greater cost burden, because when a role sits open, it means your team […]

The impact of unconscious bias in recruitment — and how to overcome it

unconscious bias

If we think about it, the hiring process never really was built equally for everyone. Part of the problem is that it’s always relied on humans — and humans are notoriously biased. We’re biased about what kind of names we expect to see on a CV, for example. We’re biased about the type of person […]

Why inclusive images on your company website are important for diversity and inclusion

inclusive images

Every second we spend on the internet, we’re being bombarded with images. You might not notice most of them as you’re scrolling through your Instagram feed, your online grocery shop, or even applying for a new role. However, for people from marginalised groups, each image represents an opportunity to feel exclusion and discrimination. And when […]

Breaking the glass ceiling: Strategies for building a more diverse leadership team

Diverse Leadership Team

Leadership has always struggled with a diversity problem. Back in 2015, data shows there were more CEOs named John in US companies than women CEOs. But it wasn’t until 2023, almost a decade later, when women CEOs finally managed to break the ‘John’ ceiling. So, have we finally made progress towards breaking the glass ceiling […]

Why intersectionality matters for creating an inclusive workplace


Humans have always liked giving things labels — even other people. And when we’re talking DEI, that can lead us into a few snags. “We have this habit as a society of putting people into simplistic boxes when it comes to their identity,” explains Alex HL Taylor, DEIB researcher and intersectionality specialist at the University […]

DEI Maturity Model – How to evaluate your organization’s level of DEI maturity?


It’s often said that building a diverse, inclusive, and equitable organisation is an ongoing journey, not a finite process. And while continuous improvement is key to increasing your organisation’s overall sense of belonging, it’s hard to know where to start on implementing positive changes without first knowing where you’re starting from. If you set big […]

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