Justice is the principle of fairness and equal treatment of individuals under the law without discrimination or bias. It involves ensuring that everyone is treated equally. 

Meaning and explanation

Justice is a fundamental principle of society that refers to the fair and equitable distribution of resources, opportunities, and punishments. 

It is a complex concept that touches upon various social, economic, and political issues and is an essential component of any democratic system.

The different dimensions of justice

Justice is often associated with the legal system, as the concept of it is central to the functioning of courts and other legal institutions. 

However, while the legal system remains a significant aspect of justice, it is essential to recognize that the concept is multifaceted and extends beyond the law. 

For example, the different dimensions of it include social, economic, and environmental justice.

Learn more about each one below.


Social justice is about the equitable distribution of resources and opportunities in society, focusing on historically marginalized groups – including people of color, women, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Social justice promotes diversity and equal access to education, healthcare, housing, and employment opportunities, among other basic necessities, regardless of one’s social status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.

To achieve social justice, it is necessary to address structural inequalities that exist in society, which means tackling issues such as poverty and discrimination. It also means challenging the dominant cultural narratives perpetuating these inequalities and promoting alternative perspectives that value inclusion and diversity. 

Examples of social justice:


Economic justice pertains to the fair distribution of wealth and economic opportunities. 

This involves addressing the power imbalances in the economy, advocating for workers’ rights, and promoting alternative economic models prioritizing community well-being over corporate profit. 

Economic justice seeks to ensure that everyone has a fair and equal opportunity to participate and benefit from the economy.

To achieve economic justice, it is essential to address the power imbalance within the economy. This includes challenging the dominance of big corporations and wealthy elites.

Examples of economic justice:


Environmental justice concerns the fair distribution of environmental benefits and burdens in society. 

The focus is primarily on addressing environmental issues such as pollution, access to clean water and air, and climate change, with particular attention to the communities most affected by these issues.

The aim is to ensure everyone has the right to live in a healthy and sustainable environment – regardless of race, social status, or ethnicity. 

To achieve environmental justice, addressing the environmental injustices in society is necessary. For example, working to ensure marginalized communities do not bear the brunt of environmental harm and pollution. 

Examples of environmental justice:

By promoting justice ethics in your community, you can contribute to achieving social-, economic-, and environmental justice. 

For example, promoting justice ethics involves advocating for policies and practices that promote fairness and inclusion, such as promoting equal access to education and healthcare or advocating for workers’ rights. 

Justice and democracy

Justice is an essential component of any democratic system.

In a democratic society, everyone has the right to equal protection under the law and the right to a fair trial. Additionally, the legal system is designed to ensure that it is served and that individuals who break the law are held accountable for their actions.

However, justice is not limited to the legal system alone, as mentioned above. It is a vital aspect of the social agreement that forms the foundation of any democratic society.

Without justice, there can be no trust between the citizens and the state, and democratic institutions lose their legitimacy.

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