Beyond Compliance: How to get real
C-level buy-in for DEIB

Is your top management’s buy-in into your DEIB initiatives
guided by compliance? 

Is there resistance from your C-level that there should be
any real involvement from them in the DEIB initiatives?



What you will learn from the webcast​

In this webcast, we have the pleasure of inviting Chandre Torpet, Founder and Director of Inclusive Matters, to discuss this topic with our Founder and CEO Jenifer Clausell Tormos. They will explore the importance of going beyond compliance and creating a truly inclusive workplace culture. While compliance is necessary, it is not sufficient to drive sustainable change. It is essential to get real C-level buy-in to truly achieve Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) goals. 

We will discuss practical strategies for getting senior leaders to recognize the importance of DEIB initiatives, prioritize them in business strategy, and commit resources to them. 

Join us to learn how to make your workplace a truly inclusive and diverse environment that creates innovation, creativity, and productivity.


Chandre Torpet

Chandre Torpet, Founder & Director of Inclusive Matters

As an American based in Copenhagen, most of my life has been spent in other cultures – residing in 5 countries & working in many more. Based on my lived experiences with Diversity & Inclusion, I bring new perspectives to business leaders, as they build D&I within their company. 

With a decade in the global executive search industry, I added a diverse flair – guiding senior executives & leadership teams on how to lead inclusively. I continue to empower leaders & organizations to recognize strategic D&I opportunities that can directly impact their business results. 

Inclusive Matters enables companies to incorporate inclusive leadership & strategic diversity into their growth, transformation & innovation strategies.

Jenifer Clausell Tormos (She/Her), Founder & CEO of Develop Diverse

Jenifer is the Founder and CEO of Develop Diverse, a company that strives to help companies build diverse and inclusive workplaces. She ensures that companies attract diverse talent and lay the foundation for a culture of inclusion and belonging. Her writing software supports biased-free writing by recognising biased words and proposing inclusive alternatives.

She gives talks and workshops both inspirational and scientific-based about the unconscious bias present at the workplace, which is within recruitment, CV selection, interviewing and promotions. “We have both self-bias and bias towards the people that surround us, and understanding its origin and where it is, it’s the first step towards eliminating it.”

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