How Develop Diverse avoids AI bias

We’ve all heard the horror stories about AI. It should sound like something from a movie, but from self-driving cars running over civilians to facial recognition technology wrongly classifying world-class athletes as criminals, most of us approach AI with a huge pinch of caution.  But as AI increasingly becomes part of the way we operate […]

Why unconscious bias training alone can’t fix your diversity and inclusion issues

When organisations get started with their diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategy, their first port of call is usually unconscious bias training.  It’s a totally logical place to start — because we all need knowledge to help us understand what causes bias at work, and how to be more inclusive towards others.  The problem is, […]

Why international organisations fall short on inclusion


Managing diversity and inclusion strategy in an international context will always feel like a challenging task. With so many different office locations, time zones, and languages, your organisation needs to operate across a range of geographical and cultural boundaries to create a cohesive, thriving company that operates to its full potential.  But one misconception we […]

Why some words are gender biased — and how to use language to build inclusion

We often hear the phrase ‘words aren’t biased’. And in many ways, that’s entirely correct — they’re not. A word like ‘ambition’, or ‘kind’, for example, viewed by itself is… just a word.  But when we view them through a sociocultural lens, things get a bit trickier. The word ‘ambition’ is more likely to bring […]

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